Article XII - Fire Hydrants

12.00 Public Fire Hydrants.
- Fire Hydrants in New Subdivisions.
- The cost of installing fire hydrants in new subdivisions shall be at the expense of the subdivider. A cash deposit payable to the District or a letter from the Pueblo County Board of Commissioners that in the event the developer does not pay the cost of installing fire hydrants upon billing by the District, the County Commissioners will proceed to file a claim against the developer's letter of credit.
- Fire Hydrants. Cost of installation to be Paid by Customers of the District.
- If an individual or individuals within the boundaries of the District desire the installation of a fire hydrant by their place of business or home, a fire hydrant can be installed subject to the advance payment of material and labor costs.
- Fire Hydrant Location.
- The location of new fire hydrants shall be the decision of the District.
- Maintenance.
- The District will maintain each fire hydrant. Maintenance costs shall be billed to the Pueblo County Rural Fire District on an annual basis.
12.01 Private Fire Protection.
- Payment of Costs. The applicant for private fire protection service not now installed shall pay the total actual cost of installation of the service from the water main to the customer's premises, including the cost of a detector check meter or other suitable and equivalent device, valve, and meter box.
- No Connection to Other System. There shall be no connections between this fire protection system and any other water distribution system on the premises.
- Use. There shall be no water used through the fire protection service except to extinguish fires and for testing the fire fighting equipment.
- Inspection and Testing. The District shall have the right to enter the property of the customer, at any reasonable time, for the purpose of making inspections. The District shall have the right to attach any testing device or use any means to ascertain the condition of the pipe and appurtenances and use of the water.
- Maintenance. Private fire protection installed by or for the customer shall remain the property and liability of the customer and shall be maintained by the customer at his expense.
- Fixtures Closed and/or Sealed. All fixtures and openings (other than control valves) shall be kept closed and/or sealed, except during times of fire. Upon extinguishing each fire, the customer shall immediately notify the District in order that fixtures and openings may again be closed and/or sealed.
- Violation of Agreement. If water is used from a private fire service in violation of the agreement or of these regulations, the District may, at its option, discontinue and remove the service.
- Annual Charge. The annual charge for private fire protection service lines is Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars per inch.
12.02 Fire Hydrant - Tank Load Sales.
- Tank Load Sales. At the discretion of the District's Board water may be sold to tank trucks. The trucks are to be loaded from fire hydrants designated by the District.
- Deposit. A deposit in the amount of One Thousand Five Hundred ($1,500.00) Dollars shall be collected before meter equipment is released to customer. The customer shall be liable for any loss or damages to the fire hydrant, fire hydrant meter, auxiliary valves, and other equipment furnished by the District.
- Unauthorized Use of Hydrant. Tampering with any fire hydrant for the unauthorized use of water therefrom, or for any other purpose, is a misdemeanor, punishable by law.
- Charge for Unauthorized Use of Fire Hydrants. In the event any person, other than organized fire protection agencies, makes any connection to a fire hydrant without written permission from the District, a charge of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars shall be paid to the District by the person making such connection. Any such unauthorized connection shall be immediately disconnected upon discovery thereof.
- Charges. The charge for supplying water from a fire hydrant shall be the charge set forth in the District's Guidelines for Fire Hydrant Water Use. All water service supplied from fire hydrants shall be metered.