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Water Conservation Plan

Click here to download a copy of the "Table of Contents" for the Water Plan Conservation (in pdf)

Table of Contents
Draft Date: October 19, 2009
Revised: February 8, 2010

Executive Summary

Step 1 – Profile the Existing Water System

1 Profile the Existing Water System
1.0 Name and Contact Information
1.01 Organizations and Individuals assisting with Plan Development
1.1.1 Physical Characteristics of the Existing Water Supply System
1.1.2 Water Sources
1.1.3 System Limitations
1.1.4 Water Costs and Pricing
1.1.5 Current Policies and Planning Initiatives
1.1.6 Current Water Conservation Activities

Step 2 – Characterize Water Use and Forecast Demand

2.1.1 Current Water Use
2.2 Forecasting Method
2.3 Demand Forecast

Step 3 – Profile Proposed Facilities

3.1.1 Facility Needs
3.1.2 Incremental Cost Analysis
3.1.3 Preliminary Capacity and Costs Forecasts

Step 4 – Identify Conservation Goals

4.1.1 Water Conservation Goals
4.1.2 Goal Development Process

Step 5 – Identify Conservation Measures and Programs

5.1.1 Identify Conservation Measures and Programs
5.1.2 Screening Criteria for Conservation Measures and Programs
5.1.3 Application of Screening Criteria

Step 6 – Evaluate and Select Conservation Measures and Programs

6.1 Create Combinations of Measures and Programs
6.2 Costs and Water Savings of Conservation Options
6.3 Benefits and Costs of Conservation Options
6.4 Define Evaluation Criteria
6.5 Select Conservation Measures and Programs

Step 7 – Integrate Resources and Modify Forecasts

7.1.1 Revise Demand Forecast
7.1.2 Identify Project Specific Savings
7.1.3 Revise Supply-Capacity Forecast
7.1.4 Summarize Forecast Modifications and Benefits of Conservation
7.1.5 Consider Revenue Effects

Step 8 – Develop Implementation Plan

8.1 Develop Implementation Schedule
8.2 Develop Plan for Public Participation in Implementation
8.3 Develop Plan for Monitoring and Evaluation Process
8.4 Develop Plan for Updating and Revising the Conservation Plan
8.5 Define Plan Adoption Date/Plan Completed Date/Plan Approved Date

Step 9 – Monitor, Evaluate and Revise Conservation Activities and the Conservation Plan

9.1 Implement the Plan
